Price: Rs.300.00 /-
No.Pages: 480.
A worker and Marxist revolutionary, Bebel co-founded German Social Democracy with Wilhelm Liebknecht in 1869. Bebel had trained as a cabinet maker, and in 1863, at the time of the founding of Lassalle’s German Workers’ Association, he found “socialism and communism” “totally unfamiliar concepts, double-duth words”. Bebel was a member of the Reichstag from 1867. Sentenced with Liebknecht to two years imprisonment for “treason” (opposition to Franco-German War) in 1872. After the GSD merged with the Lassalleans in Gotha in 1875, Bebel remained the unquestioned leader. His fiery parliamentary speeches - from 1868 he was continuously a member first of the North German and later the German Reichstag - are part of the history of German social democracy, as are also his books, above all his autobiography From My Life and Woman and Socialism